Laura Petit
Born in Boulogne-Billancourt and first pasta pan 3 years later.
First 15 pax dinner for her host family in Ireland.
She enters a design school. She wants to become a fashion designer…
which will last 2 weeks.
After one year of painting and full disclosure with her cat, she decides to enter an audiovisual production training. Not yet the right path …
She leaves for Scotland. Become bilingual… in Spanish. And continues to cook and bake for the people she loves.
She ends up in a Business school to study Hospitality management and work part-time for a Parisian hotel at the same time. This will last 3 years, until her Executive Chef, Eric Brujan, gives her an ultimatum: ‘You are now 25. Stop playing in your kitchen every night and get ready for the real pastry life!’
Gérard Mulot gives her a try and hires her for the Christmas season. Two months of superintensive work between her job at the Hotel and at the pastry shop until she makes up her mind and quit: She will be a baker!
After 6 months of experience, one conclusion emerges: the French pastry is wonderfull but don’t fulfill her.
May 2010
Toronto, Canada. On a coach. Some friends confirm to her that it is possible to be your own boss and that cookie is a real business.
October 2010
Scoop Me a Cookie is legally registered.
Since then, every day is dedicated to it!

The brand
It took two years of work to calibrate the recipe, find ALL INGREDIENTS, measure them, test them and choose the right one
cooking temperature.
The first cookies were created and were marketed thanks to the valuable support of his two godmothers, Constance and
Mathilde Lorenzi, from Frozen Yogurt, it mylk. For more than two years cookies have been manufactured and sold
in their pretty shop in Saint-Germain-des-Près. A springboard without which Scoop Me would surely not have been born!
Then came the madness of the first Chocolate Show: 3,500 cookies sold in less than 5 days. And more media coverage than you could imagine, thanks to Elise Guerrillot, Press Officer and talent scout.

Our Unit production
After more than a hundred shops visited in Paris and nearby, Scoop Me a Cookie finally opened in January 2014 at 5/7 rue Crespin du Gast, Paris 11ème.
At the beginning, it was half-production unit and half-cookie shop until it became too small. Since then we doubled the space available to reach 150m² in the heart of Paris with everything you could dream of : elevator, flour silo… an ergonomic and fully equipped laboratory.
We are now ready to conquer the world…. Of cookies!
By the end of 2020, this adress will be exclusively dedicated to the production of our cookie dough, our icecreams… The shop is relocated at 57 rue Oberkampf, Paris 11.
5/7 rue Crespin du Gast 75011 Paris
Métro : 3 Rue Saint Maur & 2 MENILMONTANT
Tél. +33 (0)1 73 74 28 90